Modern messaging platforms like WhatsApp and Telegram allow you to send messages that expire after a specified period? Did you know you can do the same thing in Gmail? Leave your money at the door and come in for this lesson.
This week's YouTube video:
Open your Gmail and compose a new email.
If you have keyboard shortcuts enabled, typing "c" will open a new message. (If you don't have keyboard shortcuts enabled, read this article first then return here.)
To send a disappearing email, you must send the email in confidential mode
Click the confidential mode icon in the message box
The confidential mode box will open for you to choose your preferred settings
You know the rules: the more incendiary the message, the shorter the expiration window. Mine is level 5, so I am doing one day 😅. You can add extra drama by requiring a passcode, but please relax 😂. Once you've chosen your preferred settings, click Save.
Once you click Save, the message window changes color and you're ready to risk it all (hit Send)
Gmail places an alert within the message box to let you know you're sending the email in confidential mode. At this point, there's still time to reconsider your life choice(s). Gmail allows you to change the expiration window, or delete confidential mode entirely.
Once you're sure, hit send and you're done!
On the recipient side...
Notice there are no options to forward, copy, print or download the email.
You might be thinking, "Shem I see the printer icon up there 🤔. Stop selling dreams!" You're right; the printer icon is visible, but clicking it will not take you down a fruitful path. Only the recipient can view the email for the limited time the sender designated ⬇️.
And when you click View the email, see what happens below ⬇️.
This message cannot be printed in the traditional way. Of course, you can take a screenshot to capture it, but Gmail does its best to make it hard for this email to be shared.
Pros of using confidential mode
Email recipients cannot forward, copy, print, or download the email(s)
After the expiration window, the email will be deleted forever
The main security in using confidential mode lies in people not knowing about it. And yes, I see the irony of me making it less secure by blowing this trumpet for content's sake. However, my meager blog following will likely not cramp your style. Most people you email will not know what's happening and by the time they do, the message would have expired and you can gaslight them.
Have a great week ✌🏾!