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The backfire effect

Writer: Shem OpolotShem Opolot

The productivity and commitment corners of my brain are screaming MAYDAY and indiscernible lights and sounds are emanating from my switchboard.

I'm tapping and prodding away at buttons like a novice who pretended to be a professional DJ to make some extra cash but is now encountering a reckoning with the repercussions of fraud.

Some buttons are twisties, some are pressies and I'm doing all the things, but nothing is working. And yes, that does sound eerily familiar to a teenage boy encountering boobs for the first time.

The sound is getting louder. The lights are blinding.

Okay, that's enough drama.

I've missed my Sunday deadline for these blog posts 2 weeks in a row now and I have reasons or excuses, but they don't matter right now.

Wait, perhaps they do...

Whenever people ask me how I'm able to blog and do all the other things I have going on consistently, I tell them the same thing—I do it because I enjoy it and it's not hard because I enjoy it.

As soon as it becomes a chore that haunts me when I'm buried beneath my blanket—a scene that appears rumpled like the undulating hills of Kampala, then I'll know it's time to call it quits.

But it's not that day.

Today, I want to give you the gift of a gem from the internet. A gem I could write about, but the creator of this particular piece executes way better than I ever could with infinite tries, and Dr. Strange's—now useless—time infinity stone.

Have a good week and think before you speak ✌🏾.


©2023 by Shem Opolot. 

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